5 Amazing Benefits of Titanium Dental Implants

January 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:51 pm
Dental team member holding image of titanium dental implant

Dental implants are widely regarded as the best way to replace missing teeth. If you are thinking about getting them, you may have the option of choosing between those that are made of a titanium alloy and those that are constructed of zirconia. Both choices are great! Your holistic dentist can help you to compare the pros and cons of each. In this blog post, we focus specifically on the amazing benefits of titanium dental implants.

Titanium Has a Long History in Medicine

Titanium is the metal of choice, not just for dental implants, but also for other types of medical implants. One of its good qualities is that it has the capacity to osseointegrate. That is to say, it can fuse with nearby bone tissue, allowing it to serve as an incredibly sturdy (albeit prosthetic) part of the human body.

Osseointegration was first discovered in the 1950s, when a Swedish physician found that titanium bonded with the bones in rabbits that he was using for research. In the decades since then, successful osteointegration has allowed countless patients to enjoy improved health.

Titanium Implants Have a Track Record of Success

Dental implants have been in use for decades. The first titanium dental implant was placed in the 1960s, and since then, this treatment has become increasingly common. Researchers have had plentiful time to learn about how titanium interacts with the human body. Severe adverse reactions are very rare, which is why titanium is widely acknowledged as being biocompatible.

Titanium Allergies Are Rare

It is estimated that less than 1% of the population is allergic to titanium. Therefore, even many people who have sensitivities or allergies to other types of metal are able to undergo dental implant treatment without complications.

Titanium Is Incredibly Strong

Your teeth have to put up with a lot of force on a daily basis. Traditional dentures do not provide the same bite strength as natural teeth. Titanium implants, on the other hand, can offer almost the same biting and chewing experience as natural dentition. They enable patients to enjoy even tough and chewy foods without worrying that their implants will break.

Titanium Implants Last a Long Time

For many patients, their titanium dental implants last for 30 years or longer. In fact, it is common for individuals enjoy a lifetime of function from their implants. Of course, some maintenance is required if implants are to live up to their potential. However, keeping them in good shape is neither complicated nor time-consuming in most cases.

Titanium dental implants have the potential to give you a strong, complete, and healthy smile! Talk to your dentist to find out if they are right for you.

Meet the Practice

Drs. Schlessel and Hornstein at The Center for Advanced Dentistry in Beachwood are proud to offer a broad range of treatments, including advanced services like dental implant tooth replacement. Our team offers both titanium and zirconia implants. If you would like to compare your options for rebuilding your missing dentition, contact us at 216-595-1710.

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