What Is the Best Way to Fix Small Teeth?

June 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 2:12 pm
Smiling, mature woman with beautiful teeth

An attractive smile should have pleasing proportions. That is to say, the teeth, gums, and lips should all complement each other without any one component standing out too much. But what if your teeth do not quite seem to fit in with the rest of your smile? What is the best way to fix small teeth? This blog post discusses possible causes for this issue and how a cosmetic dentist may be able to help.

What Causes Small Teeth?

There are a few reasons why your teeth may appear to be small:

  • Genetics. Some people have smaller teeth because their DNA programmed them to grow that way. Hereditary microdontia (small teeth) can affect one or two teeth, or it can affect all of the teeth.
  • Damage over time. Some older individuals may have small teeth due to wear and tear over time. This can be caused by teeth grinding, a rough diet, erosion, and other factors that cause damage over the course of years.
  • Excess gum tissue. In some cases, a person’s teeth are not small at all. Rather, extra gum tissue is present. It covers a portion of the teeth, making them appear to be smaller than they really are.

Solutions for Small Teeth

There are a few possible solutions for small teeth:

  • Veneers. Veneers are thin, custom-made pieces of porcelain that cover the outward-facing surface of the teeth. They look incredibly natural and can endure for 15 years or longer. They are great for covering naturally small teeth.
  • Crowns. If your teeth are small because they have been damaged, your dentist might recommend that you get crowns to cover them. Ceramic crowns look incredibly natural and can protect your teeth from further harm.
  • Gum recontouring. Also known as a smile lift or gingivectomy, this procedure involves the use of a laser that gently trims away excess gum tissue. It can make the teeth appear longer and enhance the proportions of your entire smile.

Which Treatment Is Right for You?

The best way to fix your small teeth will depend on the cause of the problem. After a thorough examination, your cosmetic dentist will recommend your next steps. In some cases, a combination of different treatments is the best way to move forward. For example, patients often combine gum recontouring with veneers to achieve the best possible results.

If your small teeth are the result of teeth grinding or a poor diet, your dentist will urge you to take action to prevent future damage. For instance, you might need to wear a nightguard to prevent nocturnal grinding and clenching, or you may need to change your eating habits.

Do small teeth make you feel self-conscious? Talk to your dentist. You may soon be able to achieve the smile of your dreams!

Meet the Practice

Drs. Hornstein and Schlessel at the Center for Advanced Dentistry are proud to put their experience and skills to use to help patients achieve confident, beautiful smiles. If you are concerned about small teeth or other aesthetic issues, our team would be happy to consult with you. Contact our Beachwood dental office at 216-595-1710.

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