Honest Candidates for Modern Dental Implants in Beachwood

June 3, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 4:48 pm

What makes a patient perfect for dental implants in Beachwood?Some teeth are lost due to poor dental hygiene and some causes are simply out of our patient’s control like dental accidents. Despite how a patient may have lost their teeth, dental implants are a way to give our patients in need their life back. If you have lost teeth, either through natural reasons or in an emergency, dental implants in Beachwood works wonders for regaining your confidence. The Center for Advanced Dentistry can help re-stabilize your smile and improve your quality of life again. While this revolutionary procedure does take a little time to fully heal and complete, the results our patients can achieve are truly life changing.

Understanding Dental Implants

When faced with tooth loss, many patients will ignore it or turn to traditional restoration options like dentures or bridges. These restorative options are great, but they only focus on replacing the visible parts of your tooth (above the gum line). Did you know that vital parts of your smile reside below your gum line (tooth roots)? Your tooth root stimulates your jawbone, keeping it full, strong, and healthy. Without a tooth root (or multiple), patients experience bone deterioration over time, leading to an increased risk of additional tooth loss and/or premature aging in the face. Thankfully, dental implants replicate the entire structure of a tooth, preserving and encouraging the growth of new bone tissue.

Are you a suitable candidate or dental implants?

If you’re interested in dental implants, it’s important to consider if you’re health and lifestyle will be fitting for this dental procedure. Most people are good candidates for implants, but a great candidate should have the following:

  • Healthy, pink gums
  • Enough bone density to anchor the implants in the jaw (if you don’t, there are bone-grafting procedures that may be completed to help you hit this requirement).
  • Dedication to good oral health and hygiene both at home and by keeping regular dental appointments with your dentist in Beachwood.

Who isn’t a viable candidate for dental implants?

Some people may not be good candidates for implants if they are:

  • Young because their mouths haven’t stopped growing, shifting, and developing.
  • Currently pregnant.
  • Tobacco users (quitting is the best way to prepare you for dental implants and improve your health).
  • Alcohol or substance abusers.
  • People who have received high-dose radiation treatment of the head or neck.
  • People with chronic diseases or systemic problems, including:
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Connective-tissue diseases
  • Hemophilia
  • Significant immune system deficiencies

Truly Discover if Dental Implants Are Right for You

Your first step is to make an appointment with our dental office for a consultation. Dr. Benjamin Hornstein will be able to discuss your goals, discuss your lifestyle, and review the state of your mouth before planning your custom treatment.

Your initial evaluation will include an examination of your mouth and teeth and a thorough review of your medical and dental histories. You can expect to have pictures of your mouth taken with our advanced technology. This will provide information on the amount of bone in your jaw and its shape and where the nerves and sinuses are.

Finally, you and your dentist will discuss the options available to you. If you’re ready to begin the dental implant process, contact our office today to schedule a consultation!


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